As you began your journey into formal leadership roles, you probably learned pretty quickly that you needed to develop skills in things like prioritization, scheduling, and managing your time and energy.
You noticed that to lead a team that was capable of making and meeting commitments, you needed to discipline yourself to make and keep your own commitments.
As you move up into more senior leadership roles, there are even more parallels between your own personal growth and the specific ways you will lead your team.
One of those areas is a shift in concentration from tactical commitments to broader concepts such as defining culture in terms of things like values and guiding principles. Just like an organization benefits from being able to articulate values, mission, purpose, etc. you also can benefit personally from articulating your own values, mission, and purpose. And while yours won’t be identical to that of your organization, you’d certainly want the two to be compatible.
Another area is in casting a compelling vision. As a senior leader, defining and/or communicating that vision is part of the motivation that keeps your team engaged in your mission. On a personal level, having a clear vision of your own desired future for yourself and your family can inspire the energy behind your own individual growth.
As you look to grow your leadership both within your organization and for yourself personally, yes, the leadership of self-discipline is important. And as you continue to grow, don’t overlook the personal leadership of values and vision.
And if you’d like a thinking partner who has helped other leaders articulate their own values and vision, let’s talk. Visit for a complimentary conversation.
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