Author: Steve
Not every goal must be S.M.A.R.T.
I get it. S.M.A.R.T. goals are part of organizational DNA They’re treated like the gold standard. But not every goal needs to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic *and* Time-bound. Here are three types of goals that may be even more helpful than S.M.A.R.T. goals, and some strategies for adopting them: ✅ Habit Goals: These don’t…
New Managers, Invest Here
When you move from from a technical leadership role to a formal people manager role, there are two crucial, but often overlooked, levels of relationships for you to invest in. The first level of relationship is that of your new peers – those who report to the same person you do. Here’s why those direct…
How do you set high standards?
A few years ago, I dropped my youngest child off to begin her freshman year at an out-of-state university. Her mother and I attended her initial orientation meetings with her. As we listened, I was struck by how much was similar to when I first attended college and how much was different. There was one…
Set ethical decision making as your default
“We’ll handle the downtime penalty. Take the production system offline immediately.” About ten years ago, I remember our CEO declaring that decision within seconds of hearing that a bug in our portal software had the potential to display lab results associated to the wrong patient. We had an “uptime” guarantee. We paid penalties to our…
A counterintuitive tool to grow your influence
When you moved from technical expert to people manager, the nature of your work changed. Much of your energy is now invested in internal or emotional efforts that may be invisible to the people who report to you. To them, it often looks like absence, not work. In a way, it’s similar to what happens…
The personal growth tool you learned in first grade
Would you like to know one of the most powerful tools I use in my own personal growth? It’s my own handwriting. Many studies have highlighted the value of taking notes manually on paper instead of typing them, how it helps with your comprehension and retention. But I want to focus on a different benefit…
Grow your career by giving effective feedback
There are many different models for giving feedback to people. The most effective ones have two key components in common. 1️⃣ They focus on observable behaviors, and not just vague characterizations. 2️⃣ They describe a concrete impact that the observed behavior produces. When I talk about observable behaviors, these are specific actions that can be…
Two things your team members want
I recall a prime example of coaching I received part-way through my leadership career. I was in a new role in which one of my teams included over a dozen software testers. Most of them came to us through a relationship with a contracting company and lived on the other side of the globe. One…
Micromanagement is not always a dirty word.
“Micromanagement.” Just the hint of that accusation can induce you to become defensive. But what if I told you that there can be a valid time and place for micromanagement, as long as you handle it well. Consider these scenarios: 👉 Becoming a manager of managers over teams with skills you don’t have👉 Moving to…
You always carry your baggage
Decisions you make at work often affect your life at home. And decisions you make at home often affect your life at work. Sure, some people are better than others at compartmentalizing and blocking out obvious distractions. But you may be surprised at how often your work outcomes are affected by beliefs you’ve adopted because…
What is a leadership coach?
A friend of mine recently told me that she once had a coach and wasn’t impressed. She said that when she asked for advice, the coach’s response was, “I’m not here to give advice; I’m here to cheer you on for whatever decision you make.” I wasn’t there to hear the actual conversation in all…
Who is your “first team”?
When you become a new manager, you can feel like the race is on to prove yourself. You’re ready to put your attention on serving those who report to you and rallying them to produce the results they’re expected to deliver for you and your team. But surprisingly, that may be one of the most…