You’re not sure why, but something just feels off.
The migration plan feels risky. The code doesn’t look right. Someone’s explanation for their behavior seems … less than truthful.
For much of my career, when I faced scenarios like these, I tended to be “nice.” If I wasn’t sure there was a problem, I would leave things alone. My view of intervention looked like accusation, so I set the bar of confidence very high. I didn’t want to make people think I thought there was a problem if it turned out that there wasn’t.
But after a few times of being surprised or blindsided by problems that I should – or could – have seen coming, I found myself overcompensating. I would dig until I understood every detail and could confirm for myself that I could see no unmitigated risks.
But as my responsibilities grew, I had to find a middle ground.
When you detect what’s often called a “code smell,” or when your “spidey senses” start to tingle, letting you know that something feels not quite right, it’s time to trust your instincts. There’s probably something worth investigating. Sometimes a simple “tell me more” will invite just enough detail. Other times, you may choose to share your discomfort with your team members, and then let them know that you trust them to handle the risk in an appropriate way.
Sometimes they won’t, and it will be a great learning moment for them as they face the consequences. But more often, your trust in them will help them learn to identify and manage risks. And that preparation helps everyone grow.
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